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夥同 E-SO 正視「不容姑息」的環境議題!這場亞馬遜雨林大火持續燃燒「地球之肺」!

隨著文明進步和科技發展,人類社會對環境的為害也日漸倍增,這不但促使了許多 NGO 向各國政府提起訴求、去維護自然生態外,同樣也有著藝人亦或 KOL 紛紛向自己的群眾表態,透過他們的影響力去告訴大家「環境」的重要,而隸屬於 頑童MJ116 的 E-SO 便是其中一人。E-SO 先前不但參與淨灘活動,寫下「我很懶,但為了可以懶的更爽,我會想一起彎腰!」的文字鼓勵粉絲響應相關活動,他稍早也在 instagram 限時動態上 po 出近期「亞馬遜雨林大火」的新聞,希望各方一同關注此議題。

儘管亞馬遜雨林在旱季時,就會發生零星的野火事件,但在今年卻突破過往記錄、截至今年 8 月份亞馬遜雨林已發生了近 7.3 萬場大火,是有記錄以來最多的一次。占地幅員有美國一半大的亞馬遜雨林,為全世界提供了 20% 的氧氣,但這個「世界之肺」在 2019 年卻面臨上史無前例的危機,是延燒速度最快的一年。甚至在今年最嚴重的一場大火上,其濃煙竟影響了遠在 2735 公里外的巴西大城 ─ 聖保羅城,令城市在中午時分卻呈現黑夜景色、籠罩時間也長達一小時。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


I’m heartbroken to share this . . . And to know it’s not even made mainstream media, the Amazon is burning and has been for 16 days. We are on the verge of losing it completely if the fire isn’t put out soon. The loss of trees, the loss of biodiversity is what is accelerating climate change…and yet nobody is saying a word. Nobody is doing anything for our largest rainforest in the world. Nobody is doing anything for some of the most beautiful people in the world, nobody is doing anything for the incredible animals there either. Wildfires often occur in the dry season in Brazil but these fires, are being deliberately started in efforts to illegally deforest land for cattle ranching. 😪 We all need to share this, before we suffer some major consequences due to irresponsible behavior and inaction, spreading awareness to everyone is crucial to saving the rainforest from destruction! News/media outlets are quick to cover political controversy and negative stories, but won’t talk about this urgent issue, so we must all use our social media platforms and send them this post and when they get enough emails, DMs and messages about this story they will be forced to cover it and then the world will finally see what’s happening ! Please share this post with any news media you follow and with share with your followers and tell them to share it too…let’s all do what we can to get the word out and SAVE THE RAINFOREST BY WORKING TOGETHER! The demand for meat and animal products ( animal agriculture ) is still the leading cause of habitat destruction and climate change. Choose what you eat, think about the impacts you are having. . It’s not only the animal you are eating you are killing, it’s everything . Thank you for the head’s up @karmagawa @balubluefoundation #prayforbrazil #prayforamazonia #savetherainforest #karmagawa #BaluBlue #PrayForAmazonia #GoVegan #MeatFree #PlantBased . If you want the article with updated stats, see my stories for BBC article

Brinkley Davies ∙ Australia(@brinkleydavies)分享的貼文 於 張貼

而今年會有這麼嚴重的災情,與新上任的 巴西 總統 Bolsonaro 脫離不了關係。儘管過去巴西政府有效的遏止雨林的過度開發,但就在具備極右派背景的 Bolsonaro 2019 上任後,他便支持開墾雨林、鬆綁環保法規等環境政策,大量姑息亂墾濫伐的巴西農民,嚴重影響了長久以來所保護的雨林生態,導致破紀錄的大火襲擊亞馬遜雨林。


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