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潮流 icon 陳冠希也來守護地球!CLOT 聲援澳洲大火救援推出「地球荊棘」系列響應公益!

隨著在今年 9 月開始的澳洲森林大火至今燃燒面積越來越大,造成許多當地野生動物流離失所的失控情況讓全球加重關注這場地球浩劫。除了當地消防單位的辛勤努力,許多明星偶像與各個單位紛紛都用各種方式投入響應救災!在日前除了高端時尚品牌 Balenciaga 推出的無尾熊公益服飾系列樂天的無尾熊餅乾 以自家商品投入公益活動後,亞洲潮流大神 陳冠希 旗下品牌 CLOT 也在稍早發布了全新的「AUSTRALIAN BUSHFIRE RELIEF」服飾系列來聲援澳洲大火的救援啦!


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


SUPER STOKED TO HELP MOTHER EARTH AND AUSTRALIA !!!!! CLOT FOR AUSTRALIAN BUSHFIRE RELIEF EFFORTS. We’re currently facing one of the most devastating disasters in modern history – extreme fires ravaging Australia, a result of climate change driven by human behavior and resulting in the deaths of humans, animals, homes lost and ecosystems irreversibly changed. We’re hoping to do our part to help. CLOT is releasing two exclusive items – the “ONE EARTH” T-shirt and the ALIENEGRA 2.0 “AUSTRALIA” hoodie featuring Australia’s national colors. All profits will go towards Australian Bushfire Relief efforts and are available for pre-order now on Profits from the Alienegra 2.0 “AUSTRALIA” Hoodie will go to: Wires Wildlife Rescue (@wireswildliferescue) : to help with wildlife victims. Profits from “ONE EARTH” T-Shirt will to go to: Australian Red Cross (@redcrossau) : to help with disaster relief and emergency assistance for communities in danger. Individuals who wish to donate directly can do so with the links below: Australian Red Cross Wires Wildlife Rescue GET FRESH AND HELP OUR GLOBE , IT NEEDS OUR HELP NOW !!!! NOT TOMORROW !!!

Edison Chen(@edcee3000)分享的貼文 於 張貼

image via @clot

作為影響世界潮流文化圈的重要品牌主理人與指標人物,陳冠希 眼見近期人類行為下所帶來的氣候邊遷而引發這次的澳洲大火所造成人類、動物的流離失所與生態浩劫,因而有感而發希望能以自己在全球的號召力為地球盡一份心力。今番推出的兩款服飾分別為將 Clot 的巨型 Logo 與地球相互融合得「One Earth」T 恤以澳洲的國家代表顏色「黃綠」打造的 荊棘 2.0「Australian」全新帽 T 來傳達澳洲與地球如今所面臨的重大環境問題!

images via @clot

Clot「One Earth Tee」「荊棘帽 T 2.0  “AUSTRALIA”」目前可於 提前預購,商品的全部收益也將會分別捐給 Australian Red Cross 和 Wires Wildlife Rescue 兩大當地的救援單位!各位潮青們在抽全球唯一的 Travis Scott x AJ1 之餘,可別忘記入手這兩款意義非凡的服飾做公益啦!

Source / @clot

