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電眼氣勢太驚人!Billie Eilish 奧斯卡紅毯奇蹟美照曝光,歌迷大呼:「我已經死了!」

如果你經常關心歐美各大頒獎典禮的紅毯照,那你對  Cole Walliser 這位攝影師所拍攝的作品一定不陌生,他利用機械手臂相機「GlamBot」的連拍技術,製造出彷彿是慢動作的攝影效果,讓鏡頭下的明星看起來神采飛揚,創造出不少奇蹟美照。

今年奧斯卡紅毯上 Cole Walliser 更是一償宿願拍到了當紅的怪怪美少女 Billie Eilish,雖然拍攝途中她並沒有太大的動作或是表情,只是輕輕的將手放在臉側,但拍攝出的成品效果還真是好得不得了,霸氣十足的眼神又再度電暈了不少歌迷,立即掀起了一波轉發討論潮。就讓我們一起來體會這波美顏爆擊吧!


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BILLIE EILISH!! Finally everyone! I probably get 30 requests a day to post this, so much so I had to tell her in person. LOL. I really love what she did her. It’s always a bit of a variable when someone goes “I GOT CHU” like instantaneously, I just never know what they got in their head. But I don’t know why I would question her, cause she killed it! It was so her too, just a subtle move, kind of framing and covering her face, adding to her mystery. Kudos Billie. 100% on point. Also, sometimes I feel like a jerk being like “move an inch back, okay too far, now an inch forward, okay a smidge to your right” LOL. The issue is, at 1000 FPS we are SO SHALLOW with the depth of felt, it’s only inches deep, so if talent isn’t on the mark they will not be in focus, and it ruins the whole thing. Luckily @billieeilish is the sweetest person every and didn’t have a problem with me continually adjusting her position. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I wish everyone could add a bit of sexy mystery to their GlamBOT 🤖🎥 Song: Bad Guy – Billie Eilish (listen to how the high hats and flashes hit on the beat!! 🔥🔥🔥) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ For more GlamBOTS follow: @colewalliser #billieeilish #academyawards #glambotbts

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source/Cole Walliser@instagram
