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捐款百萬救中國疫情!林書豪 IG 發文怒轟「種族」歧視行為,直言:「除非你願意解決問題,否則少說三道四!」

今日全球都被 NBA 球員 Rudy Gobert 確診「新型冠狀肺炎」的事情震驚不已,然而不光是這些體育賽事,其實已經有許多人的生活被深深影響了,面對傳染力如此強的病毒,我們也只能祈禱疫苗的出現跟醫療體系的維護,剩下就只能靠我們做好自身的防護與增強免疫力,只要是保護好自己也是對別人的一種保護。

對這艱難的 2020 年,包括如 LeBron James、Luka Doncic 在內的許多球星都於個人的社群媒體祈禱著,期盼全球都能順利度過這次難關,而轉往中國 CBA 的華裔球星林書豪,在今天也於 IG 上透漏這段時間他處在中國的情況以及世界對於華人排斥的看法。

image via @jlin7


少一些怨恨,多一些憐憫。先說有個廚師,他為 16000 名前線醫護人員做飯;再說有個醫生,他推遲了他的婚禮然後不幸在抗疫中犧牲;他是一位英雄。讓我們為 Meera Solanki 鼓掌和發聲,她為了維護自己的亞裔朋友而被一個暴徒毆打到失去意識。讓我們行動起來,像內蒙古那樣,他們捐獻了2500 噸馬鈴薯到武漢。

有很多種族歧視的例子,但也有數不清的讓人看到希望的事情——May Lee 和她的播客,Guardian Angels 集團,捐獻口罩的公司,勇敢的前線抗疫人員等等。除非你願意幫助解決問題,否則少指手劃腳吧。

我和我在中國的基金會已經捐出了 100 萬人民幣的醫療物資給武漢。我還捐出了 15 萬美元用於對抗疫情。讓我們都做好隔離,勤洗手,出門戴好口罩,避免病毒擴散,傳播相關信息和預防措施。團結一心,眾志成城!


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been monitoring coronavirus and the darkness it’s casted over the world. News headlines of racism, xenophobia, attacks on Asians and decaying trust towards people. All heartbreaking and the opposite of God’s kingdom. But for every fear-inducing headline, I see hope. I see doctors and nurses fighting the front lines in China, Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy and more. I see people helping people in countries regardless of race or background. Talk less out of hate, more out of empathy. Lets talk about the man who made 16,000 meals for frontline workers. Lets appreciate the doctor who postponed his wedding and then tragically lost his life fighting the virus. He’s a hero.Lets be inspired and demand justice for Meera Solanki who defended her Asian friend against an aggressive man in Birmingham only to be knocked unconscious. Lets follow suit and take action like Inner Mongolia who sent 2500 tons of potatoes to Wuhan. There are many examples of racism but also countless examples of hope – May Lee and her podcast, the Guardian Angels group, companies donating masks, all the bold frontline workers and more. Dont criticize unless youre willing to be a part of the solution. With my bball foundation in China, we’ve donated 1 million RMB to get medical equipment to Wuhan. I’ll also be donating an additional $150,000 towards fighting this virus. Let’s all do our part to quarantine, wash our hands vigorously, wear a protective mask to avoid germs spreading and do our part to share facts and preventative measures. Stay together, fight on! Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good — Romans 12:9

Jeremy Lin 林書豪(@jlin7)分享的貼文 於 張貼

延伸閱讀:NBA|KOBE 意外去世、疫情導致延賽….LEBRON JAMES 與多名球員發推特表示:「2020 年真的是垃圾!」

延伸閱讀:NBA|恐成超級傳播者?!爵士球員再一確診感染武漢肺炎,RUDY GOBERT 還曾到波士頓大學進行訓練!

延伸閱讀:NBA 明星中鋒不甩疫情染病!?爵士球員 RUDY GOBERT 檢測呈陽性反應,聯盟宣布無限期停賽!

