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NBA |引用最偉大嘻哈歌手的歌詞,對抗武漢肺炎林書豪拋磚引玉做功德


而在發言之餘,他也不只動一張嘴,在捐款 15 萬美金給中國後,他接著同樣捐款 15 萬美金給美國兒童基金會,並引用饒舌歌手 Tupac 的歌詞:「看見老方法不管用時,就輪到我們挺身而出做點什麼,這都是為了生存。」(You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s on us to do what we gotta do, to survive)


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It’s time for us as a people to start makin’ some changes. Let’s change the way we eat, change the way we live, change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s on us to do What we gotta do, to survive. As Tupac once said, it’s time for some changes – from me, you, everyone. Lets focus on what we can do in these challenging times. In our effort to battle this virus, I’m matching my $150K China foundation donation with an additional $150K contribution to @UNICEFUSA to help fight COVID-19 globaly while partnering w governments. This donation is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions affected by the closing of schools, missed paychecks, etc. Please JOIN ME in this donation to make a global impact by going to It doesn’t matter how much you donate or what you do, just encouraging everyone take one step to love someone in need. Love melts hate. Light outshines darkness. Be apart of the change you wanna see. Stay together, much love ❤️

Jeremy Lin 林書豪(@jlin7)分享的貼文 於 張貼

Tupac 雖然是音樂人,但他堪稱「不只是音樂人」的代表人物。也因為他關心世界上包含政治、種族與自由平等的問題,讓他被譽為是最偉大的嘻哈歌手之一。因此也難怪同樣關心種族歧視等許多問題的林書豪,會引用 Tupac 的歌詞。

Tupac 在 1996 年看完 Mike Tyson 的拳擊賽後在車中遭人槍擊,最後以 25 歲之齡在搶救 6 天後不治,也成為轟動全球的槍擊案。值得一提的是,一位深信 Tupac 沒有死的製片人,還因為自己拍了一部全新電影《2Pac: The Great Escape From UMC》,講述他為了逃避仇家而躲到新墨西哥州的故事。這部電影預計在 2021 年上映。


