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變身鋼鐵人不是夢!?支援 5G 技術的 AR 智慧眼鏡「Apple Glasses」或將下月揭露?

傳聞 Apple 一直在開發所謂的智慧眼鏡,而隨著 5G 時代的來臨,近日爆料達人 Jon Prosser 便進一步透露,有著和一般眼鏡外觀沒兩樣的 Apple Glasses ,或將同時採用 mmWave 和 Sub-6GHz 的連網技術,以確保使用者不管身在何處,都能獲得一致的體驗。

image via @appledsign

Jon Prosser 進一步指出,使用輕量化材料打造的 Apple Glasses,包括的一組感測器,確保在投影時準確地顯示虛擬對象,同時還會使用到已在 iPad Pro 2020 搭載的 LiDAR 光學雷達掃描儀來收集數據,帶來全新等級的 AR 體驗。而且相關虛擬投影畫面內容只有使用者能看見,其他人是無法透過反射等方式看到,看樣子變身成鋼鐵人似乎指日可待哩!


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Apple is working on something quite revolutionary! A pair of Augmented Reality Glasses, that will (eventually) even replace the iPhone entirely! Imagine seeing the digital world, right in front of your eyes – rather than having to take out this piece of glass, out of your pocket and having the digital content, restricted to that surface. Imagine seeing large displays, all around you, or seeing the weather inside your room, or seeing precise instructions on how to assemble a piece of machinery, floating in the air, on top of the components that you need to assemble. AR is a MASSIVE thing! Full video, covering the future of AR – now LIVE, on the channel! . . . #AR #AppleGlass #AppleGlasses #AugmentedReality #Apple #Tech #Concept #3DModeling #3DRender #ZONEofTECH

ZONEofTECH(@zoneoftech)分享的貼文 於 張貼

截至目前為止,Apple 尚未透露 AR 眼鏡的發佈計劃,不過也不排除在下個月即將登場的 WWDC 2020 或將首次揭露部分相關資訊,有興趣的科技潮人還請隨時留意 COOL 的後續報導。

Source / phonearena
