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總價 2 億新台幣!Pharrell Williams 出售洛杉磯頂級豪宅,無邊際泳池、浮誇夜景直接一飽你眼福!

之前 COOL 就曾為大家介紹過不少名人的頂級住宅,好比:權志龍 G-Dragon、朴敘俊、肯爺等,但還是有讀者敲碗想看更多,今番編輯就為大家揭秘在潮流圈以非凡品味著稱的菲懂 Pharrell Williams 都住在什麼樣的房子裡!(延伸閱讀:市價 2 億新台幣!亞洲天王 G-DRAGON 新家裝潢曝光,當中竟藏有對 BIGBANG 團員的無盡思念?!


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Galette des Rois! Found the elephant! 🐘🥧

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5 年前 Pharrell Williams 曾在洛杉磯 Hollywood Hills 購入一棟 $710 萬美元(約 2 億新台幣)的頂級豪宅,而日前他打算開放出售此豪宅,也讓粉絲有機會一窺菲董住家的設計。這棟由建築師 Hagy Belzberg 親自操刀設計的頂級豪宅,佔地面積足足有5,800 平方英尺,其中就涵蓋六間臥室、五間衛浴、兩間半浴室、SPA 池、無邊際泳池等豪華配備。當然,室內裝潢也不馬乎,滿滿現代風的傢俱融合大量鏡面元素,相當前衛時髦。最重要的是,住家處處都有大面落地窗能盡收屋外絕美夜景,難怪會深受菲董青睞!目前此豪宅起標價為 $1,195 萬美元,口袋夠深的朋友不妨多加留意,亦可延伸閱讀:強勢進軍高端腕錶界?!RICHARD MILLE 與「菲董」合作推出聯名款式,這火星細節真的是美到哭!


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Private Architectural Retreat in the Hollywood Hills | Offered at $11,950,000 | Listed by Kurt Rappaport, DRE 01036061 and Drew Meyers, DRE 01865732 . . . Situated on over 1.5 acres and built by the globally significant architect Hagy Belzberg. The Skyline Residence represents one of a kind; award-winning architecture. Winner of numerous published awards this gated, contemporary/modern compound has an open floor plan, that includes 5 bedrooms in the main house with views from every room. The detached 2 story guest house has 1 bedroom and its own kitchen. The compound has rare 280 views of both city and valley, and an infinity pool with direct city views. The front garden has a movie projector screen. (Link in bio)

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