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村上隆也力撐 #BLM 平權運動!標誌性的「太陽花與骷髏」全被燻黑了...

就在日前 KAWS 為了力挺「黑人的命也是命(Black Lives Matter)」運動,無預警宣布販售全新搪膠公仔「TAKE」、並將募得的資金捐贈給 Color Of Change 、 Black Lives Matter 兩大黑人抗爭運動團體之後,稍早另外一位享譽全球的當代藝術家 村上隆(Takashi Murakami) 同樣公開表態,將推出一系列「#BLM」限定版畫來為這場平權抗爭貢獻一己之力。

▼延伸閱讀:力挺「BLACK LIVES MATTER」運動!KAWS 無預警推出全新「TAKE」搪膠公仔「這天」開賣!



從曝光的系列照片中可以看到,今番村上隆將一改過去五彩繽紛的搶眼色調,而是將其招牌圖案 KaiKai KiKi Flower 太陽花以及 Skulls 骷髏換上全黑的色彩,藉此呼應黑人平權浪潮。雖然目前尚未公布村上隆「 #BLM」特別系列的推出時間與售價,但這次預計推出的 6 種設計、各 300 組版畫,其銷售所得都將捐贈予 Black Lives Matter  Color of Change 等機構。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Takashi Murakami for #BLM I have said that a role of an artist is to discern the present and express it for the future audience. But if my art can effect any change here and now, I want to contribute it not only to give back but to give power to the Black community plagued by the racial injustice. And so I decided to produce a series of prints for sale, to donate the entire proceeds to the U.S. organizations fighting for social justice and racial equality. In order to get directly engaged in the movement that is taking place in America, I asked @NTWRK to be my partner for the project. I will be releasing six black prints featuring my quintessential flower and skull designs, each edition of 300, through @NTWRK. Each print will be silkscreened and I will finish the individual work with spray paint. I am in discussion with NTWRK to arrange for 100% of the sales to go to various organizations dedicated to changing the systems oppressing the Black community, including @blklivesmatter, @eji_org, and @colorofchange. Additional details on the release of the print collection, including pricing and launch date, will be announced in the coming weeks. (The images shown here are the design mockups created digitally.) #blacklivesmatter

Takashi Murakami(@takashipom)分享的貼文 於 張貼
