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閃電 AJ1 竟是最小獎?紐約街牌 STAPLE 發起「黑人平權」慈善抽獎活動,神鞋只需ㄧ元就能帶回家!

美國為爭取黑人權利的 BLM(Black Lives Matter) 運動持續火熱進行,除了一般民眾上街抗議外,不少巨星也運用自己的影響力,在社群上分享呼籲相關議題,或是直接與大眾站在一塊,用行動來捍衛種族平等的權利,大企業們這時也紛紛表態支持與投入大量資源支援需要幫助的黑人社區,只為能盡一點微薄之力來盡到實現正義的社會責任。

稍早由設計師 Jeff Staple 所主理的紐約街頭品牌 STAPLE,也為幫助這次的種族事件,特別釋出了一款特別的 Black Lives Matter T 恤,並將所有販售的收入捐給如 ACLU、Art Star 和 Equal Justice Initiative 等非營利組織,用於貢獻種族平等之用。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Our path towards helping to fight racism is a two-prong plan: 1. Short-Term. Immediate. Impactful. 2. Long-Term. Persistent. Committed. We will announce our long term plans in the coming weeks. Here’s what we’re doing right now. We have teamed up for a triple OG collection of items from our friends, Hiroshi Fujiwara/Fragment (@fujiwarahiroshi) & Futura2000 (@futuradosmil). BLACK CULTURE has inspired & supported Hiroshi, Lenny & Staple since day one. We stand in solidarity with the fight for justice & equality, & hope this action plants the seeds for the next generation of Black Leaders in our community. • To raise funds & awareness for the cause, we are organizing a charity raffle & launching a special “BLACK LIVES MATTER” tee created by Futura2000. It will be available for presale for only 48 hours starting Wed June 10th 1pm EST. 100% of the proceeds will be shared between the ACLU (@aclu_nationwide), EJI (@eji_org) & Art Start (@artstartorg). • From Hiroshi Fujiwara: A personal pair of Fragment x Nike Air Jordan 1s. (Size 11.5) From Futura: The FL-001 Pointman Figure from his Generation Z Exhibition in Tokyo. Only 6 pieces have ever been publicly available. From Staple (@staplepigeon): A 3-Pack of Grails – The Lasered Nike SB Panda Pigeon Dunk in the Limited Edition Bamboo Box. The Sabotage (@mr_sabotage) x Staple “Pigeon Fury” AF1. And a never before released 1 of 1 Black Pigeon Dunk High made by Garrixon Studios (@garrixonstudio). (All Size 10) • Here’s how it works: Every dollar you donate counts as one “raffle ticket” towards winning your item of choice. A $5 minimum donation = 5 raffle tickets. A $100 donation = 100 raffle tickets. A $500 donation = 500 raffle tickets, etc. The tee is $40 & purchasing one tee represents 40 raffle tickets. When checking out, you can indicate which item you’d like to receive if chosen. There will be 3 winners chosen, one for each prize. If you don’t want any of the items, you can still donate & 100% of that will go to the orgs mentioned above. Or please consider donating directly to an organization of your choice. Thank you for your support. Stay informed. Stay smart. And stay safe. PEACE! 🕊 #BlackLivesMatter

Staple 🐦(@staplepigeon)分享的貼文 於 張貼

而為讓民眾會更踴躍的參與這次的公益活動,STAPLE 還特別舉辦了一場慈善抽獎活動,每捐贈一塊錢美金就能獲得抽獎券乙張,如果購買售價 40 美元的 Black Lives Matter T 恤,那也意味可以獲得 40 張抽獎券,其中獎品當然也是很豐富囉~除了有深受潮人們喜愛的藤原浩閃電 X Air Jordan 1 之外,還有如東京 Futura Z 世代展的 FL-001 Pointman 公仔、限量版竹盒包裝的 Nike SB Panda Pigeon Dunk、Sabotage x STAPLE Pigeon Fury Air Force 1 和從未發售的 Garrixon Studios Black Pigeon Dunk High。

跟其他獎品相較起來,瞬間藤原浩閃電 X Air Jordan 1 竟變成最普通的鞋款,要知道招牌 Logo 為鴿子的 STAPLE,每一雙與 Nike 的聯名都是超級限量的稀世珍品,在網路上的再售價絕對都是破萬起跳,這次為幫助種族平等也不惜釋出這麼多好貨,讓人感受到了這象徵自由的和平鴿的願景。

能拿衣服又能做公益,而且還有機會能抽到神鞋,如此好康的活動還能不參加嗎?趕緊上 STAPLE 官網參加活動吧!

image via STAPLE

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延伸閱讀:2020 年底鞋王長這樣?全新 AIR JORDAN 11「大魔王」實鞋照曝光,是你最愛的霸氣黑魂!

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