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前瞻內核再探究-COMME des GARÇONS HOMME PLUS 2021 春夏造型特輯

黑色、破壞、不對襯、貧窮主義,這些印象似乎是人們對 COMME des GARÇONS 的形象認知,但細審其核心,這個蘊有前瞻創意性的品牌對死忠用家們來說,仍再繼續尋找浪潮地前衛可能。

現在,其旗下眾多分線最能體現川久保玲(Rei Kawakubo)內核地 COMME des GARÇONS HOMME PLUS,再次展現天馬行空般的多元維度。此個 2021 春夏系列名為「Metal Outlaw」,以金屬銀色面料對西裝外套、休閒褲、短裙等這類承載生活價值的品行類單做出更進解釋,其他部分如襯衫、紳士外衫則使用源於衣板概念地建築架構,並且用對比縫線加強可視程度。雖因 COVID-19 關係,作品僅在 COMME des GARÇONS 東京總址展示,但閱圖仍能感受到時裝衝擊力。

“It is my wish that the strength of metal, the strength that wouldn’t yield to any pressure or force, and the strength that will give birth to hope that we need to overcome the various hardships we now face, will all overlap in this collection,” Kawakubo explained in suitably cryptic form. “The metallic materials I often use in my interior designs are very apt in expressing my ideas. I would like to transplant that strength of metal into the clothes this time. Of course, the fabrics we use in this collection are not actually made of any metal, but have its sense of strength, of heavy weight, and the look of its sheen and gloss.”



Source / Hypebeast
