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說到藍寶堅尼,應該大部分的網友都會直接聯想到頂級的跑車品牌吧!不過對於身價上億的土豪來說,普通的跑車已經太遜啦!著名的「拳王」康納,最近就在 Instagram 中高調炫自己正準備入手的一台「藍寶堅尼遊艇」。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


The No.12 “McGregor edition” 🛥 @tecnomaryachts @lamborghini Lamborghini’s first entry into the Sport Yacht World comes in the form of this 63foot, 4000bhp, duel engine, twin turbo, rocket ship! Titled the “Supercar of the Sea” I am honoured to secure the Number 12 edition of just 63 to be made. 1963 being the year Lamborghini first began, and 12 being, well you know Twelve! Proper Fucking Twelve baby! Ain’t no stopping it! @properwhiskey Thank you Giuseppe Constantino and the entire team at “The Italian Sea Group” for your amazing work! Excited to see the finished result during next seasons yachting season ❤️ #TecnomarForLamborghini63 #BeyondTheLimits #Proper

Conor McGregor Official(@thenotoriousmma)分享的貼文 於 張貼

這款由藍寶堅尼與 Sea Group 聯手開發的遊艇名為「Lamborghini 63」,今年七月才剛剛公佈問世,充滿速度感的流線外型完全繼承了藍寶堅尼的獨家美學,而康納挑中的這款則採用了最經典的綠色。內在的駕駛座艙、儀表板、座椅等細節也都是極盡奢華之能事,並且還提供高度的客製化,只要荷包夠滿都能盡其所能的滿足客戶需求。

當然如此頂級的享受,價格也不是蓋的,粗略估計定價至少要 390 萬美金、超過 1 億新台幣才有機會入手這台夢幻逸品。跑車預計將於明年 4~6 月間陸續交貨,就讓我們一起來期待康納未來的開箱文吧!

