Categories: 娛樂

全球千萬人點閱!自殺突擊隊電影音樂 MV 《Heathens》正式出爐

改編自 DC 漫畫旗下的經典作品自殺突擊隊〈Suicide Squad〉可說是未演先轟動,顛覆大家以往認為英雄總是正義化身的形象,本片集結了所有極惡的反派角色做為主角,準備來去執行一場足以威脅世界的黑暗任務!這部電影讓所有英雄迷與 DC 迷們都非常期待的一部大作,除了先前已經陸續曝光的電影預告片之外,就在前幾天電影公司  Warner Bros 也釋出自殺突擊隊的電影音樂《Heathens》 Music Video !本次找來 09 年成立的樂團 Twenty One Pilots 演唱,MV 中除了穿插的電影片段與歌詞相當吻合,整部音樂作品更是彌漫著詭譎的異教徒氛圍,讓人光是看完 MV 就像是看了一場精采的電影花絮一般,也難怪影片 PO 出後的一周內就立刻衝破千萬人次點閱!現在就立刻來欣賞這一支超精彩的《Heathens》 MV 吧!



All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don’t make any sudden moves
You don’t know the half of the abuse
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don’t make any sudden moves
You don’t know the half of the abuse

[Verse 1]
Welcome to the room of people
Who have rooms of people that they loved one day
Docked away
Just because we check the guns at the door
Doesn’t mean our brains will change from hand grenades
You’ll never know the psychopath sitting next to you
You’ll never know the murderer sitting next to you
You’ll think, “How’d I get here, sitting next to you?”
But after all I’ve said, please don’t forget

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don’t make any sudden moves
You don’t know the half of the abuse

[Verse 2]
We don’t deal with outsiders very well
They say newcomers have a certain smell
You have trust issues, not to mention
They say they can smell your intentions
You’ll never know the freakshow sitting next to you
You’ll have some weird people sitting next to you
You’ll think “How did I get here, sitting next to you?”
But after all I’ve said, please don’t forget
(Watch it, watch it)

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
Wait for them to ask you who you know
Please don’t make any sudden moves
You don’t know the half of the abuse

All my friends are heathens, take it slow
(Watch it)
Wait for them to ask you who you know
(Watch it)
All my friends are heathens, take it slow
(Watch it)
Wait for them to ask you who you know
(Watch it)

Why’d you come, you knew you should have stayed
(It’s blasphemy)
I tried to warn you just to stay away
And now they’re outside ready to bust
It looks like you might be one of us

