
潮流社論|俄羅斯白髮魔女降臨 COOL!獨家專訪 Pornhub 前 3 名女優 Eva Elfie:「我喜歡很長的,並想辦粉絲見面會」

從 2020 至 2021 年,疫情無疑限制了大家的日常生活,不過當每個環境條件觸發時總會引起正反作用。現在,人們不僅越發注重生活品質以及有更多時間探究本身,也漸漸對娛樂自我的各種項目有更強烈的需求,除了像通過網路直播追星到觀看各類影劇之外,其中,包含閱覽「成人產業」的連結率也正不斷提升。

事實上其脈絡便有跡可循,當我們從處理繁瑣事物的狀況獲得喘息機會時,回歸到面對生活的情感慾望,才是塑造人類核心的「根本組成」,但又可能在環境教育的封閉影響下,似乎很少人能很坦然的表達內心。就如同在析解 80 年代日本 AV 發展萌芽期的人氣影集《AV 帝王》,主演「黑木香」的演員森田望智便曾說道:「我想要做真正的自己,既自由,又奔放,可能還有點骯髒的自己,我想要以真正的面貌活著。」這般最真我的話語。而也就因如此,將「人」本身潛藏對性得原始底性與其擴張的成人產業才會日久不衰,在一定程度而言「AV」亦是最為真實抒發管道。

為了論證慾望這一點,筆者便邀請了 Instagram 追蹤數高達 160 萬的全球知名女星 Eva Elfie 進行訪談,也許讀者們對她已有些熟悉,在成人網站 Pornhub 不僅位居全球第 3 位,並通過各類型的表演藝術撼動觀看者的情感核心深獲好評以外,她同時也是一位時裝模特兒身分。此外,在 Eva Elfie 另經營的 Youtube 頻道中, 亦也對我們灌輸了正當的性教育知識。

值得一提的是,正當在社會封閉包袱下人們避而不談內心慾望時,從 Eva Elfie 的回答中筆者也反思了所謂的「內心深層」,當然,此中也詢問了大家對這位繆思女神:「為什麼會進入 AV 產業」的疑問話題。所以,在這回的「潮流社論」專題裡,希望能讓大家更了解 Eva Elfie 之外,也期望大家勇敢探索自己內心的秘密。


嗨各位 COOL 的讀者們大家好,特別對我的粉絲們獻上熱情的問候!我的名字是 Eva Elfie,是一位成人影片女星,模特兒和部落客,你可能已經在哪裡看過我;)。目前我拍攝成人影片並在我的 YouTube 頻道上提供性教育,也在 Onlyfans 上取悅你。閒暇時我喜歡閱讀書籍和玩電動遊戲。最近讀的一本書是「獻給阿爾吉儂的花束 Flowers for Algernon」,最近剛玩完的電動遊戲是「死亡擱淺 Death Stranding」和「最後生還者 II The Last of Us 2」。我期待「戰神 II God of War 2」的發行。

2.為什麼妳會想進入 AV 產業?能跟我們說說第一次拍片的感覺嗎?








我喜歡很多具特定類型的女星:嬌小,纖細,小胸部,自然美而未經整形,通常是深色髮色。例如美國模特兒 Emily Willis,捷克女星 Little Caprice,日本女星 Rae Lil Black。








我最喜歡的品牌是 Vans,擁有許多雙這個品牌的鞋子,我愛它們的風格和舒適,它們和任何種服飾都很搭,走長路也很舒服。我也喜歡 Dr. Martens 品牌。我不會買昂貴的鞋子,但現在我想穿的是 Gucci Rhyton 或粉紅的 Balenciaga 的球鞋。


首先我要向台灣的粉絲們每天的支持與熱切的話語表達我由衷的感激,我真的很感謝你們的熱愛。很高興 COOL 給我這個機會來對你們,來自台灣我親愛的粉絲們說話。




image via_ yuvinzakk_asyouwishtyc


誠如 Eva Elfie 所言:「我們都有祕密的慾望,但我們從來沒有意識到他們」。這句話宏觀說起來,事實上也呼應其文章開篇所言,每個人或在深受制式社會環境的教育下,無意間或多或少會將其慾望深埋於自己的內心,而這套理論放在社會群體意識中,某種程度而言也是對個人展現的壓抑。也許從 Eva Elfie 回答的視角來看,我們不應該迴避「渴望的存在」,畢竟,這不也是自然產生的生理需求嗎?

另外在這次的訪談中,筆者心中也聯想起 Emma Watson 在倫敦與女權代表 Gloria Steinem 的訪談,她認為:「研究情愛是很自然的事情」。記得在當時的深度對談也講述到不少印象深刻的論點,筆者認為,無論是社會環境造成的影響,或是男女性的延伸平等探討,我們其實都在追求一定程度上的「自由」。

最後,這次能夠與 Eva Elfie 對談,對於筆者來說是很寶貴的經驗,不僅從中更了解自己心目中的理想對象,也消除了我以為她是高冷的疑慮,對待我的甚至像是朋友那般的親切。而喜歡她的朋友,除了與我一起期待她日後來台灣,也請繼續支持她拍的影片,以及關注她的 Youtube 等每個社群平台唷。

(in both chinese and english)

During 2020 to 2021, pandemic no doubt restricts our daily lives; but each environmental condition always triggers both positive and negative effects.  People now not only value the quality of life and having more time to explore themselves but also have a stronger need towards each category in the entertainment itself.  In addition to watch all genres of dramas or following their favorite stars through web live streaming, ratio in watching adult industry also keeps rising.

There actually is a trace to this.  When we finally get a chance to breathe after dealing with all the cumbersome matters and return to face our daily emotional desires, the fundament composition of molding the core of human race; due to the closeness in our environment education, few people is able to express their hearts.  Just as the popular drama “Naked Director” which dissects the AV sprouting era in Japan in the 80’s, the actress Morita Misato who plays Kuroki Kaoru once said, “I want to truly be myself, free and wild and might be a bit dirty; I want to live with the real me” such genuine words.  Because of such, adult industry that exposes and expands the concealed primal human nature is able to last long.  To some degree, AV is the most genuine express channel.

In order to testify about desire, author invites world renowned actress Eva Elfie who owns 1.6 million followers on Instagram for an interview.  Readers may already know about her.  She ranks world No.3 on adult website Pornhub, who is also well praised for her performing arts in all genres that touch the heart of the viewers; she is also a fashion model.  In addition, Eva Elfie also provides proper sex education in her YouTube channel.

What’s worth noting is that, when people avoid talking about desires due to the package of social closeness, Eva Elfie’s answers bring author to reflect on so called “deep inside”.  Of course we also ask this goddess of Muse why she enters the AV industry.  So in this edition of Trend Editorial, we hope to bring you to learn more about Eva Elfie and expect that everyone could bravely explore your inner secrets.

1.Though everyone is familiar with you, please give us a complete introduction to yourself again. 

Hi to all readers of this magazine and a special warm greeting to my fans! My name is Eva Elfie, I’m an adult film actress, model and blogger, probably you’ve already seen me somewhere;) Currently, I film in porn and provide sex education on my YouTube channel, and also please you with my nudes on Onlyfans. I enjoy spending my free time reading books and playing video games. The last book I have read is ” Flowers for Algernon “, the last video games that I finished are “Death Stranding” and “The last of us 2”. I am looking forward to the release of the game “God of war 2”

2.Why did you want to enter the AV industry? Could you tell us how you feel when filming for the first time?

Before I started acting in adult videos, I was interested in photography especially in nude photography, I enjoyed posing in front of the camera, and now I continue to model further. The next stage of my creative emancipation was the participation in the filming of adult films.

My first video was a solo video and I was a little embarrassed while filming. I was shy to work with a videographer, but I was lucky since it was a woman, and I was able to relax and feel sexy. With time you gain experience when working with different companies and photographers, and the embarrassment disappears, you become confident in what you are doing and just enjoy the process.

3.What was the most awkward situation you ever experienced during filming?

Awkward situations during the filming are rare, as all participants are focused on the work process. However, during long-term filming, funny situations happen, for example, once on the third hour of filming our videographer began stroking my partner’s head right during our sex. I guess he was tired. It was weird but funny.

4.Many fans in Taiwan know your filming style is diversified, where do you get the inspiration?

We all have secret desires, but we don’t realize them, so porn has become a tool for me to fulfil my dark sexual fantasies. I am often inspired by characters of books, movies and TV series heroes, and I also keep track of the work of my colleagues – actors of the adult industry, I notice interesting images and new perspectives for myself, and then use them in my future videos.

5.Do you have a favorite actress? If you do, could you share with us why?

I like many actresses which fit into a certain type: petite, slim, with small breasts, natural beauty, without plastic surgery and often with dark hair. For example, American model Emily Willis, Czech actress Little Caprice, Japanese actress Rae Lil Black.

6.We think your silver hair is incredibly beautiful; is this your own color?

Thank you very much for the compliment! My natural color is brown (light chestnut), but I really love my silver hair and I have had them for more than 5 years without changing the color. Once I dyed my hair pink, I liked this experiment, but for now, I am true to my current style, as it is loved by many of my fans;)

7.Men in Taiwan care about the size, do you think length is more important or the thickness? During the intercourse, what do women care more?

Girls’ opinions on that matter are divided, 50/50: someone prefers the length more, and someone likes the thickness. I prefer length, but for the most part, in sex, size is not so important for me. On the contrary, I am sure that sex is primarily about trust and attention that partners show to each other, as well as mutual respect for each other’s preferences. All this helps to form beautiful emotions and pleasant feelings during sex. Also, I believe, the knowledge of biology can be useful for both participants of sex.

8.I am asking for Taiwanese fans, have you ever thought of dating Asian men? If you do, what would be your conditions? Because we all like you so much!

If I go on a date with each of my fans, then my whole life will not be enough 🤪 But I would like to try arranging a fan meeting, and take a picture with everyone, give an autograph, give a piece of my love. I have never done this before, it would probably be an interesting experience

9.Men in Taiwan prefer to buy nice looking shoes to dress themselves, what is your favorite brand of sneakers?

My favorite brand is Vans, I have many pairs of shoes of this brand, I love them for their style and comfort, they go well with any clothes and they are comfortable for a long walk. I also like the Dr. Martens brand. I don’t buy expensive shoes, but right now I’m thinking of Gucci Rhyton or pink Balenciaga sneakers

10.Do you have suggestions or something to say to men in Taiwan?

First of all, I want to express my huge gratitude to my fans from Taiwan for their support and kind words that I receive daily, I really appreciate your love. I’m glad that Cool magazine gave me this opportunity to talk to you, my dear fans from Taiwan.

Secondly, I want to say to all men: be sincere with women, respect their preferences and show care. Make love, not violence.

11.After the pandemic, would you like to visit Taiwan?

Yes, of course, I love to travel and I am very attracted to Asia. I would like to visit Taiwan and enjoy your culture, the beauty of nature and the urban charm of Taipei. I hope to see you soon 😉

image via_ yuvinzakk_asyouwishtyc


As Eva Elfie says, “we all have secret desires, but we don’t realize them.”  In a broad perspective, it echoes what is said in the beginning that under the standardized education of the social environment, everyone more or less buries their desires deep in their hearts.  Putting this theory in the social group consciousness is at some degree suppressing the expression of individual.  Perhaps from the angle of Eva Elfie’s reply, we should not avoid the existence of longings; after all, wouldn’t this a physiological demand that generates naturally?

During this interview, author also thinks of the interview between Emma Watson and feminist Gloria Steinem, she thinks “study love is a very natural thing.”  The in-depth conversation talks about a lot of impressive issues; author thinks that whether it is the influence of the social environment or the extended equity talk of male and female, we actually all pursuing a certain degree of “freedom”.

Finally, it has been a precious experience for the author to be able to talk to Eva Elfie.  Not only was I able to learn more about my ideal partner but removing the doubt about her being proud and indifferent.  She treated me as warm as she treated her friends.  Friends that like her please join me in looking forward to her visiting Taiwan in the future; please continue your support to the films she made and follow her on YouTube and other social platforms.
