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NOAH 推出全新服飾系列「GARBAGE」穿出你的「廢物」穿搭!網友:J 格原料是…

在百家爭鳴的秋冬街頭裡,各個品牌無不爭先推出最具話題性的單品。而隨著進入下半年各家品牌公布 LOOKBOOK 以來,新銳街頭潮牌 NOAH 以全新的「GARBAGE」系列在這周引起了不少話題。早先透過獨家技術利用其他廢棄棉衣的原料重新製作後,不僅蛻變為高品質的全新長、短袖商品,NOAH 強調重製而成的衣物除了皆在美國洛杉磯生產以外,不管是質料、觸感、耐穿性都領先其他品牌並絕對有實力自成經典。最重要的是,NOAH 也希望透過此系列喚醒不管是產業的其他品牌或是消費者的環保意識,身為製造者能選用廢棄物作為原料而減少環境負擔,並製作出更加耐久的衣物。而身為消費者的我們穿著過或不要的衣物或許能重複利用成為下件我們能穿更久也更喜歡的服飾。筆者認為真的是相當發人省思的系列作品啊!

images via NOAH


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This tee is garbage. Literally. The jersey is made up of the waste yarns from other cotton productions. But make no mistake about it, the end result is a high-quality cotton tee to rival any other. The weight, hand feel, and durability make this tee an instant modern classic. – We recognize that as a company, the decision to develop this tee is a drop in the ocean when it comes to solving the global environmental crisis. It’s genuinely irrelevant on its own. We as producers need to take the small steps of producing products differently and as consumers, we need to buy less things and keep them longer. If you don’t care about responsible consumption that’s OK too. You can rely on the fact that it will be one of the best basic tees you’ve ever owned. – Everywhere you turn these days, fashion brands are extolling the benefits of sustainability and recycled materials—and we’re no different. That said, we couldn’t be prouder of our recycled cotton tee. They’re hard-wearing, tough tees that can be washed over and over without losing their shape or density. They’re knitted and sewn in Los Angeles, a small step toward our goal of producing goods domestically. – Link in bio.

Noah Clothing(@noahclothing)分享的貼文 於 張貼

NOAH ” GARBAGE “ 可以在全球  NOAH 店舖和官網購買短袖共推出白、黑、棕、深藍四種配色,建議售價為美金 $52 元。長袖部分則推出白 、 黑 、 Bottle 綠 、 勃艮第酒紅,建議售價為美金 $58 元。還在尋找秋冬上衣的讀者們可以參考 NOAH 這季的 ” 垃圾 ” 款式喔!

Source / NOAH

