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YG 娛樂證實「LISA 確診」消息!BLACKPINK 其餘成員仍等待檢測結果

據外媒報導,韓國現象女團 BLACKPINK 成員 LISA 驚傳確診 Covid-19,而稍早所屬公司 YG 娛樂也正發布官方聲明。

YG 在聲明上除了表示 LISA 確診新冠肺炎,也提及 BLACKPINK 其餘三名成員未被官方列為密集接觸者,但目前公司已讓團員們接受 PCR 檢測,並正待結果出爐。

而在官方聲明中,YG 也再次強調重視旗下演藝人員的健康狀態,並如有任何的最新消息、也會立即地對外說明。

其實韓國近期已漸漸取消對 K-Pop 演藝人員的旅行限制,允許不完全接種疫苗的藝術家前往國外工作。而上月才受 BVLGARI 邀約前往巴黎時裝周的 LISA,便因品牌首席執行官 Jean-Christophe Babin 吐露 YG 公司鑒於 Covid-19 因素,選擇不讓 LISA 參與活動與大秀。雖然當時引發粉絲憤怒,但不料 LISA 今日卻傳出確診消息。

以下是 YG 娛樂的官方聲明:

This is YG Entertainment.

BLACKPINK’s Lisa was diagnosed with COVID-19 this afternoon (November 24).

The other three BLACKPINK members have not been classified as close contacts yet, but they immediately received PCR tests after hearing of Lisa’s positive COVID-19 results, and they are currently awaiting their results.

We first shared this information quickly and accurately with representatives and staff, and we took strong preemptive measures even beyond the guidelines of health authorities.

We will continue to not hold back on providing full support with the health of our artists and related staff members as the top priority. If there are any changes in the future, we will once again notify you quickly.

source / LISA
