索尼旗下的熱門遊戲改編影集《最後生還者 2 》即將於 4 月正式播出。雖然該劇在 CES 發表會上遭遇部分觀眾噓聲,但總監尼爾德魯克曼( Neil Druckmann )對此毫不動搖。他在接受外媒專訪時,針對「艾比選角不夠壯」的爭議表示製作團隊更重視演員能否捕捉角色的核心特質,還稱「團隊注重表演勝過一切」再度遭炎上。
延伸閱讀:HBO《最後生還者 2》首波劇照曝光!將會有引爆話題的震撼場面?
《最後生還者 2 》影集選角遭批評
外媒報導,對於網友認為飾演艾比的凱特琳德弗(Kaitlyn Dever)與遊戲中肌肉感十足的形象不符一事,德魯克曼回應「團隊注重表演勝過一切,並不在乎眉毛、身體、鼻子等是否看起來跟遊戲的角色一樣,更希望這些演員可以捕捉到角色特質」。他進一步強調,劇組經過深思熟慮後,認為凱特琳是最能呈現艾比靈魂的人選。
Neil Druckmann revealed Kaitlyn Dever's Abby will not be buff in The Last of Us HBO!
— DomTheBomb (@DomTheBombYT) February 3, 2025
"The reason we cast Kaitlyn is because she’s an incredible actor. You look at her body of work and the way she throws herself at that stuff… We value performance over anything else.” pic.twitter.com/OK75GIf4PG
Neil Druckmann says they didn't have Kaitlyn Dever bulk up to play Abby in ‘THE LAST OF US’ Season 2.
— DiscussingFilm (@DiscussingFilm) February 3, 2025
“That doesn't play as big of a role in this version of the story… It's more about the drama”
(Source: https://t.co/lG7ulkc6c0) pic.twitter.com/p9Csxp7Bbl
此外他也提到,影集雖然保有動作場面,但劇情與戲劇張力才是核心,這也是選角標準的重要依據。事實上,第一季影集在選角時便曾遭受質疑,伊莎貝拉梅拉姆齊( Isabella May Ramsey )因與遊戲中的艾莉形象不同而引發爭議,然而她最終以精湛演技獲得觀眾認可,讓影集大獲成功。然而部分玩家對於《最後生還者 2 》的改編仍持保留態度,甚至直言「只承認第一部」引發網友兩派討論。
延伸閱讀:不愧是神作!《最後生還者》真人影集獲得 24 項艾美獎提名,成為首部入圍的遊戲改編作品!
“I feel like Bella was the only person who could play her. Because I feel like she is Ellie, there’s a part of me that’s weirdly protective of her.” – Ashley Johnson talking about Bella Ramsey playing Ellie in #TheLastOfUs HBO series
— megs | fred hechinger + joseph quinn lovebot (@fredhechinger) February 3, 2024
Ashley loves Bella as Ellie, fuck the haters! pic.twitter.com/5tAcQ8MMDQ