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表達政治理念!Supreme 2017 Obama 連帽套頭衫背後故事完整公開


就在引領全世界街頭潮流龍頭的 Supreme 發表 2017 春夏系列之後,全球各地的粉絲無不陷入其魔力之中,甚至已有不少粉絲前去店舖外排隊等候購買,但相信不少人除了不懂該系列中出現的 “666” 神秘數字之外,也對此回發表的 Obama 連帽套頭衫有許多好奇,今番就由不斷在 Instagram 分享品牌資訊的 @supreme_copies 來揭露該服飾的背後設計理念。


其用戶指出該項單品背後的靈感可追溯到 2009 年 Obama 上任之後首度拜訪非洲迦納,所到之處該國民眾無不熱烈歡迎他的到來,同時為表紀念,迦納的國民更是將歐巴馬的肖像縫製在當地所稱為 “Kangas” 的傳統服飾中,並且注入了「Akwaaba」(譯為歡迎的意思)字樣於服飾上,同時利用鮮豔的色彩以及印花來強烈表達高興氛圍。隨後該款單品也正式襲捲美國,就連女演員 Victoria Rowells 也穿著該服飾現身於同年的艾美獎。從此就可發現今年 Supreme 就是從非洲傳統服飾上汲取靈感,並將原本的設計改為品牌字樣,除了致敬的特性之外,更流露出品牌直接的政治理念。

With the preview and lookbook released today, I figure it’s time to cover at least one piece revealed today- or should I say piece(s). We arrive at perhaps the most interesting collection of the entire season, the ‘Obama,’ series (which consist of a pair of pants as well). This isn’t the first time Supreme has payed homage to Obama with a graphic (although many aren’t aware), and in this day and age the collection only makes sense. We date back to 2009, Obamas first year in office. The then new President visits the African country of Ghana. To commemorate the visit, locals produced many ‘Kangas,’ a traditionally large piece of textile, riddled with vibrant patterns and political graphics, made to be worn (exemplified bottom right.) What has since been replaced with ‘Supreme,’ once said ‘Akwaaba,’ – meaning ‘Welcome.’ At the time, dresses and button-downs alike were made of the print, making their way into the US and specifically Harlem (exemplified bottom left). Actress Victoria Rowells memorably wore a dress of the textile the same year to the Emmy Awards. Interesting to see Supreme with a more recent reference, as well as take their own hand at the pattern with one of their more recently popular articles, the Anorak. Shoutout to @trmmll and @streetchief for the images and info! #supremeforsale #supreme4sale

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