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Bodega Rose 打造超擬真「 Travis Scott 倒鉤聯乘版本花盆」,網驚: 還以為錢又要掏出來…

身為一位潮流老司機,除了身上行頭要注重外,家中的陳設裝潢當然也不能馬乎。要能夠提升自家品味和格調,種植植栽和花束是絕佳的方法之一,但普通的土色花盆怎夠看?因此,來自紐約的植物設計工作室 Bodega Rose 便打造一款潮度爆棚的 Travis Scott x Nike Air Jordan 1 聯名造型花盆!

Travis Scott x Nike Air Jordan 1 聯名鞋款可以堪稱是 2019 的神鞋代表之一,不僅設計大膽創新,倒鉤的圖樣更是掀起一股炫風!這回  Bodega Rose 所設計的這款造型花盆靈感便來自這雙爆款神鞋,不光真實還原鞋款的所有細節,包括倒鉤 Swoosh Logo 等,就連鞋身散落的鞋帶都做得惟妙惟肖,不說還以為 Travis Scott 又悄悄上了一款新鞋呢~這款 Travis Scott x Nike Air Jordan 1 造型花盆的販售方式也是以抽獎進行,所有收益將一併捐贈給 COVID 紓困基金,為的就是幫助更多弱勢族群。可惜的是,抽獎至 6 月 5 日就已結束,但有興趣的讀者還是能前往官方頁面查看更多花盆的相關資訊,亦可延伸閱讀:一同捍衛正義!FEAR OF GOD 領銜 OFF-WHITE、NOAH 等眾多品牌推出「公益 T-SHIRT」,GF 字樣背後滿是洋蔥!


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Complacency will not be tolerated. Silence is not acceptable. America owes so much to the black community; I owe so much to the black community. Thank you for giving so much to the world. I am raffling the Jordan 1 Retro High Travis Scott Planter giving 100% of proceeds to the following organizations. I also will be donating daily to foundation to support black businesses, safety and health and the protest efforts. @covidbailoutnyc Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, working tirelessly to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back promote solutions that move us all forward. @colorofchange Register to vote: Text: FLOYD to 55156 Love to everyone hurting right now, and if there are any other great organizations or groups in need of funding leave a comment below. ❤️ 🌸 🌺 🌹 #JusticeforFloyd #blacklivesmatter Link in bio!

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