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海賊迷出動!《海賊王 ONE PIECE》X G-SHOCK 聯乘錶款完整樣貌曝光,連發售日期都一併報給你!

先前 COOL 就曾為大家搶先預告過 CASIO 旗下街頭運動錶款 G-SHOCK 將再度攜手《海賊王 ONE PIECE》推出聯乘錶款,消息一出立刻引爆動漫粉暴動!日前官方 IG 搶先公開了這款上等之作,整體設計以質感的黑色為基礎,並繪製上主角魯夫的霸氣英姿,帥氣度爆棚。


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. The new GA-110JOP also sports a big watch case. Using black as the base color, the entire watch is emblazoned with dynamic illustrations of Monkey D. Luffy, who is growing and becoming stronger. The indicator of the inset dial in the 9 o’clock position features Luffy’s straw hat as a design motif, while the word, “WANTED” is found in the 3 o’clock position. Also, when the hour and minute hands point to the 2 o’clock and 4 o’clock positions respectively, they combine visually with the two diagonal lines on the dial to form a golden “X”. This represents the X-shaped scar on Luffy’s chest, and also expresses the ONE PIECE love of adventure and treasure hunting in the smallest of details. © Eiichiro Oda / Shueisha, Toei Animation #g_shock #gshock_onepiece #ga110 #collaboration #onepiece #ワンピース #ルフィ

CASIO G-SHOCK Official(@gshock_casio_official)分享的貼文 於 張貼

《海賊王 ONE PIECE》X G-SHOCK 聯乘錶款選用人氣最高的 GA-110 做設計,除了將主角魯夫活靈活現的繪製於錶面,9 點鐘位置的小刻度盤飾還有魯夫的草帽圖案,3 點鐘位置還標有「WANTED」字樣,細節相當精緻。此外,錶款的收納盒也有經過特別設計,並在底蓋上貼有 G-SHOCK x ONE PIECE 徽章,意義性十足。該聯名錶款預計於今年七月發佈,喜歡的朋友不妨至官網了解詳細購買方式,亦可延伸閱讀:台灣販售預告|黑魂加 3M 反光太過分! PLACES+FACE X G-SHOCK DW-6900 聯乘錶款即將開賣!

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