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超越原款?紐約藝術家以飛機座椅再製 Off-White X Air Jordan 1,超質感之作你也有機會擁有!

美國發起的 BLM 示威遊行是為爭取黑人的種族權利誕生的,而為破除掉種族主義的迷思,推倒這百年來根深蒂固的中心思想,不少民眾與明星都紛紛站上街頭為此發聲,不少企業與品牌也投入資源與發起活動募款,就是也希望能透過自己的微薄之力,為和平的世界貢獻一份心力。

今番美國藝術家 Ceeze 就以此概念為出發點,他特別找來專門處理廢棄飛機原料的 Aircraft Solutions USA Inc. 公司攜手合作,以廢棄飛機座椅作為原料,將其再製並注入進鞋迷們心中的重磅聯名 Off-White X Air Jordan 1 輪廓中,從釋出的形象照我們可以看到,整體鞋身以原始座椅的灰色輔以原始版本的配色設計,在些許部分添加了明亮的黃色加以點綴,為視覺上帶來更具層次又亮眼的感受,除了帶有象皮紋路的特殊皮革外,鞋面還運用麂皮搭配亮面皮革的獨特組合,在設計上真的富有巧思。最後在原先象徵 Jordan 品牌的飛翼 Logo 上改為飛機圖案,呼應這次的主題,是雙不論是在細節或是設計都極為用心的頂尖之作。

據悉這次總共製造出 12 雙的 Off-White X Air Jordan 1 特別版,販售的收益將會全數捐給相關的公益組織,而想得到這雙鞋履但又沒有太多預算的朋友,Ceeze 特別發起了一個抽獎活動,只要捐贈 $5 美元就能獲得一次抽獎機會,抽獎截止日期為美國時間 6 月 22 日下午 6 點,得獎者將會於 6 月 23 日公布,有興趣的朋友不妨好好了解一番。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


The past two weeks have brought out an ugly truth all across the US, racism is still here and we can’t keep silent about it‼️Mobilizing to fight this pandemic, we’ve teamed up with Kingston NC based airplane recycler Aircraft Solutions USA Inc and friend @DanielDubai to auction off a limited edition pair of OW Air Jordan 1s crafted from upcycled airplane seats, patent leather, with some unique 3m accents. Joining us are our friends at @CrepProtect and @DashRadio helping to do our collective part in combating racism and discrimination. Starting today, we’ll be giving you the chance to win the above pair of upcycled Aircraft Solution USA INC OW Air Jordan 1s for JUST $5!! For your chance to win head over to our website and “donate” $5. 100% of the proceeds will be split between the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Philando Castile Foundation. The raffle will run from today until Monday June 22nd at 6 pm with winners announced Tuesday June 23rd at 10:00 AM EST. There are a total of 14 available prizes, from the above shoes to our SS001 Sneaker Scupltures along with a few goodies from @crepprotect . Tag a friend below and be sure to click the link in our bio to donate now!

Ceeze – Pronounced: “Seize”(@ceezemc)分享的貼文 於 張貼


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Looking back over some of the initial sketches shared with @danieldubai and @aircraftrecycling , its surreal to see this pair of shoes come together, and even more humbling to see the overwhelming support and donations that our friends and the community has put forth! In the past 3️⃣6️⃣ hours we’ve been able to raise $5k USD, putting us well on our way to our $25k USD Goal! We want to send a big thanks to our friends at @sneakerfreakermag and @hypebeast for the willingness to support this message and help us reach screens that we normally wouldn’t. Please swipe through for additional images of these upcycled OW Air Jordan 1’s. As of this moment you have exactly 9 days, 5 hours and 10 minuets until this raffle ends Monday June 22nd at 6PM EST. Please go and tag a friend below, donate $5 dollars and help us giveback to a community and culture that has allowed us to chase our passion‼️

Ceeze – Pronounced: “Seize”(@ceezemc)分享的貼文 於 張貼


