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NBA|阿基里斯腱斷裂!KEVIN DURANT 正向面對復健之路!這位球星的支持讓人感動!

稍早,Kevin Durant 正式在 IG 宣布以接受阿基里斯腱斷裂手術,甚至用 EASY MONEY 來表達自己樂觀的態度,接下來將展開復健之路,感謝一路支持他的家人與朋友。KD也提到:籃球就是我的摯愛,所以想上場比賽幫助隊友完成三連霸,這就是比賽的一個環節,我很驕傲自己盡了全力。相信我的兄弟能拿下第六戰勝利,我會與勇士國度一起狂歡!



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


What’s good everybody I wanted to update you all: I did rupture my Achilles. Surgery was today and it was a success, EASY MONEY My road back starts now! I got my family and my loved ones by my side and we truly appreciate all the messages and support people have sent our way. Like I said Monday, I’m hurting deeply, but I’m OK. Basketball is my biggest love and I wanted to be out there that night because that’s what I do. I wanted to help my teammates on our quest for the three peat. Its just the way things go in this game and I’m proud that I gave it all I physically could, and I’m proud my brothers got the W. It’s going to be a journey but I’m built for this. I’m a hooper I know my brothers can get this Game 6, and I will be cheering with dub nation while they do it.

35(@easymoneysniper)分享的貼文 於 張貼

KD 此文一出,各界名人也紛紛給予支持、鼓勵,包括同樣剛完成手術的 Paul George 、新人王後選 Luka Doncic、騎士球星 Kevin Love、黃蜂球星 Kemba Walker、馬刺球星 LaMarcus Aldridge 等人都不約而通留下祈禱符號。其中最讓人感動的莫過於也飽受阿基里斯腱斷裂之苦的 Rudy Gay 也給了一個打氣的符號!



image via / rudygay IG

阿基里斯腱斷裂最為知名的案例就是 Kobe Bryant 了,KD現任隊友 Demarcus Cousins 更是花了一年的時間才重回球場,包括 Rudy Gay 的例子,受過該傷勢的球員即使回歸也難以展現過往身手而被稱為籃球員絕症,但編輯相信,KD 將能打破這個案例,以百分百的實力再度踏上 NBA 球場!

#by E 

Editor_ EASON(IG專頁FB專頁)

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